Tag: bitterwalkwindsing
Intermediaries of the wind / BITTER WALK WIND SING / Ostend 2024 TRAVELBREATH : Lois Brochez Lumonga & Stine Sampers. Photos by Wannes Cré and Alexandra Crouwers. Wind instruments from collection of Tine Van Aerschot
Bitter Walk Wind Sung
Viatrix and the Journeywomen lead the procession back to the beach. Photos by Wannes Cré
Wind Sing
Viatrix sings the Midwife’s Herball into the Wind VIATRIX : Wen Hui Tsang. Photos by Wannes Cré.
Taste Bitter
Great Yellow Gentian (Gentian lutea) grows in the hills of the Pyrenees. The root of the plant is considered the measure of bitterness and it has an ancient history of use by women as an emmenagogue. The root is the chief ingredient of the French liqueur Suze. Photos by Wannes Cré. De Langste Dag /…